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Pennsylvania Announces Temporary CIO to Replace John MacMillan

Patti Chapman, the CIO for Pennsylvania's Integrated Enterprise System, will take over as acting state CIO when John MacMillan departs in November, the state has announced.

Head and shoulders profile photo of Patti Champan
Patti Chapman,
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
When state CIO John MacMillan steps down in November, Pennsylvania will turn to a familiar face to replace him. Patti Chapman — the CIO for the commonwealth’s Integrated Enterprise System (IES) — will take over in an interim capacity, according to Dan Egan, communications director for the Office of Administration.

The state announced the news internally on Oct. 25.

Chapman has more than 30 years of public-sector experience under her belt, and particular expertise in procurement and IT, according to the state.

In her current role at IES, Chapman oversees the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system behind government functions like HR, payroll, finance, procurement and other areas.
She also previously served as the functional manager of the procurement team that handled the ERP system’s implementation. Those aren’t the only positions she’s held with the commonwealth, either: Chapman formerly served as the director of IES, the director for Supplier Management and the director for IT Procurement.

Chapman was not available for an interview.
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