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South Dakota Governor Appoints New CTO to Serve as CIO

Madhu Gottumukkala, who recently came on board as South Dakota’s chief technology officer, has now been named state CIO and commissioner of the state Bureau of Information and Telecommunications. His first day is Monday.

South Dakota Capitol
South Dakota Capitol
Shutterstock/Joseph Sohm
South Dakota’s new chief technology officer has been tapped to serve as state CIO and commissioner of the state Bureau of Information and Telecommunications (BIT), starting Monday.
Headshot of South Dakota’s new Chief Technology Officer Madhu Gottumukkala smiling in gray suit.
South Dakota’s new Chief Technology Officer Madhu Gottumukkala.
Credit to State of South Dakota

Madhu Gottumukkala only recently joined BIT, stepping in in August as the state’s second-ever chief technology officer (CTO). His appointment to the CTO role filled an opening left when the state’s first CTO, Pat Snow, who had served the state for nearly 28 years, retired. Now, with the forthcoming departure of CIO Jeff Clines, who has accepted the position of state CIO in Wyoming, Gottumukkala’s role at BIT has shifted.

On Tuesday, Gov. Kristi Noem announced Gottumukkala's appointment as CIO. In a statement, she said he will prioritize the state’s citizens, their data and government service delivery.

“I’m deeply grateful to Gov. Noem for the trust placed in me and eager to make a meaningful impact by driving innovative and secure technology solutions across our state,” Gottumukkala said in a statement. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment but said Tuesday on LinkedIn that he looks “forward to driving innovative and secure technology solutions that empower our citizens and strengthen our communities.”

Prior to joining BIT as CTO, Gottumukkala had been the senior director of IT for Business Solutions at Sanford Health since 2019. His IT experience spans 20 years and various leadership roles. He also presently serves on the advisory committee of the College of Business and Information Systems at Dakota State University.

The new CIO holds a master’s of science in computer science engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington, a Master of Business Administration in engineering and technology management from the University of Dallas, and a doctorate in information systems from Dakota State University.

As Clines recently told Government Technology, he will remain available to support BIT — including Gottumukkala as CIO — to assist with a smooth leadership transition.