Troy Stairwalt, who took over the job in late 2023, has left that role.
His last day was March 21, according to a spokesperson for the Wisconsin Department of Administration.
The spokesperson gave no reason for the departure, and Stairwalt could not be immediately reached for comment.
He worked in the state’s Division of Enterprise Technology, and officials there did not respond to requests for comment.
Stairwalt, whose full title was chief information security officer and director of the Security Bureau, brought more than 25 years of technology and cybersecurity experience to the job, according to his LinkedIn profile.
His career has included work in the insurance and health-care industries. He remains an adjunct faculty member for the University of Akron in Ohio, teaching cybersecurity, resilience and risk management.
Wisconsin has posted a listing for Stairwalt’s replacement. The application deadline is 11:59 p.m. Central time on April 7.