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Duneland School Corp. Data Compromised by Intruder

The Indiana school district notified employees that someone gained unauthorized access to the network in October, potentially accessing their Social Security numbers and other personal information.

(TNS) — Employees of the Duneland School Corp. have been notified that their Social Security numbers, dates of birth and other personal information may have been accessed during a recent computer hacking.

“We recommend that all current and former employees, and the beneficiaries and dependents of those employees, remain vigilant for signs of unauthorized activity by reviewing any statements that they receive relating to their health insurance,” the school system said. “If they identify any charges or activity that they did not authorize, please contact the insured or provider immediately.”

School officials said they were tipped off to the hacking when on Oct. 27, they discovered that certain systems within their computer network were unavailable.

“We immediately began to investigate, contacted law enforcement, a cybersecurity firm was engaged and steps were taken to address the incident and restore operations,” the school corporation said. “We also implemented additional safeguards and technical security measures, including multi-factor authentication for all user accounts, to further protect the data we maintain.”

It was determined that an unauthorized person obtained access to the Duneland systems between Oct. 21 and 27.

“We thoroughly reviewed those files and determined that they contained information relating to our self-insured health plan and general employment records, including individual names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, if they were provided to us, and benefits information,” Duneland said.

The corporation said it is in the process of notifying current and former employees, as well as beneficiaries and dependents of those employees. The impacted individuals are being provided with complimentary membership to a program designed to detect possible misuse of personal information and provide credit monitoring, fraud consultation and identity theft restoration services.

©2021 The Times (Munster, Ind.). Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.