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Gary Community Schools Offer Students Free Tablets, Internet

Through a government program called Community Eligibility Provision, a school district in Indiana is providing student families with access to tablets and a monthly Internet service even during the summer.

(TNS) — Gary Community School Corp. students are eligible to receive a free 10.1-inch high-definition tablet and monthly Internet service through a government program called Community Eligibility Provision that assists children in low-income districts.

Gary officials said students can use the tablets for homework and access other applications used in the classroom to improve learning.

"We support one-to-one devices for all our students in the district inside the classrooms," said Darrell Riddell, director of information technology. "This program allows families to keep the devices and have access to the Internet 24-7 even through the summer."

Gary students also gained their own Chromebooks for home use during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Information to apply is available on the GCSC website at

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