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Disaster Zone Podcast: ‘Latest EOC Technology’

You can scale your technology investments based on your facility and budget.

Technology will dominate every aspect of an emergency management program going forward into the future. While there are some very good low-tech tools that you can use in an emergency operations center (EOC), check out the Egan Wall System. Most of the new stuff you add to your EOC will be digital.

In this Disaster Zonepodcast, “Latest EOC Technology,” we listen to one county emergency management director talk about his operational concepts and then review the recent technology upgrades he made to his county facility — tech, AV and furnishings.

Not everyone has $2 million to play with, but you can take bits and pieces of concepts and use them in your EOC.

Scale it!
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.