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World Conference on Disaster Management

This is an event that I've attended in the past. It's very well organized with some top flight speakers and topics. See the announcement below:

To mark its 25th anniversary, the World Conference on Disaster Management is offering discounted special anniversary rates. Highlights of the 2015 program include:

·       The Rise of Lone Wolf Terrorism … is Canada Prepared? (Tuesday, June 9, 3:30-4:00 p.m.) Public vigilance is key to thwarting lone wolf terrorist attacks, but are Canadians educated enough in the wake of last year’s attack on Parliament Hill, and what can be done moving forward?

·       How Can You Cope with a “Breach-a-Day?” (Monday, June 8, 9:00a.m.-noon) Just a few years ago, a data breach seemed like a ‘one-off’ event. Fast-forward to today – in light of recent events at Target, Home Depot, eBay and Apple to name a few – and breaches are becoming more common. What can businesses do to prepare?

·       Integrating Climate Change and Disaster Management (Tuesday, June 9, 1:30-2:30 p.m.) Keynote Chris Field, founding director of the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology, will share new developments in his effort to bring together the climate change and emergency management research communities internationally.

·       Assessing Calgary’s Response and Recovery to the 2013 Flood (Wednesday, June 10, 4:40-5:10 p.m.) An experienced researcher with the Conference Board of Canada’s National Security and Public Safety team will share lessons learned during the response and recovery efforts to the Calgary flood.

·       Top 10 Mistakes Made During a Disaster (Wednesday, June 10, 4:05-4:35 p.m.) When reviewing lessons learned from prior events, a pattern of common mistakes emerges. This session provides actionable steps to avoid them.

In addition to an in-depth conference program, WCDM also provides training and networking opportunities for emergency management, business continuity management, risk management, emergency response (police, fire and EMS), public health, IT disaster recovery, security, military, and government representatives. The industry’s top suppliers will have their products and services on display [Note:  This is the first place I saw a commercially available drone for emergency services.  As I recall it cost about $80K for the larger version which looked more like a helicopter--and this was 2008].

Sponsors for the anniversary event include World Title partner CriSys, and Platinum partners IBM and The Business Continuity Institute.

Register here

Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.