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Pennsylvania Governor Orders up to 1,800 nonviolent Inmates Freed

“We can reduce our non-violent prison population and leave fewer inmates at risk for contracting COVID-19 while maintaining public safety with this program. “We must reduce our inmate population to be able to manage this virus.

(TNS) - An order Gov. Tom Wolf issued Friday could lead to the temporary releases of as many as 1,800 state prisoners with medical issues that put them at dire risk if they contract the coronavirus.
Wolf’s directive would apply only to ailing inmates imprisoned for non-violent crimes who are within months of their scheduled releases.

“We can reduce our non-violent prison population and leave fewer inmates at risk for contracting COVID-19 while maintaining public safety with this program,” Wolf said. “We must reduce our inmate population to be able to manage this virus. Without this temporary program, we are risking the health, and potentially lives, of employees and inmates. We can safely release individuals to the community to reduce their vulnerability and allow the department to successfully manage COVID-19.”

He noted that as of Friday that 11 COVID-19 cases had been detected in the state prison at Phoenix in Montgomery County.

The governor said inmates eligible for virus prompted releases are those “who have been identified as being non-violent and who otherwise would be eligible for release within the next 9 months or who are considered at high risk for complications of coronavirus and are within 12 months of their release.”

Wolf said 1,500 to 1,800 inmates fall into that category, “although given the reentry challenges of ensuring connection to the health care and behavioral health system, housing and food security, the number will likely be less than the eligible pool.”

Inmates to be eyed for release include those who are 65 or older and have conditions including autoimmune disorders and any other conditions the U.S. Centers for Disease Control has concluded places them a high risk of complications from COVID-19. Pregnant female prisoners are on the governor’s list as well.

A reentry program is being established and the first releases could occur as early as Tuesday, Wolf said.

“Our reentry plans will include several days of release planning with the inmate, preparing and connecting the inmate to treatment programs in the community, release transportation and a complete medical screening to ensure that we are not releasing sick inmates,” Corrections Secretary John Wetzel said. “We’ll also provide them with an appropriate medication supply and connect them to medical providers in the community.”

Wolf described the pending releases as “temporary reprieves” during which the inmates will be supervised by parole agents. Once the coronavirus crisis abates, they will be returned to prison complete their sentences, he said.

The governor said he is taking the step under the emergency powers granted to him in the state constitution. He indicated legislative support for his action will be sought. “Without any current legislation, we are moving forward with the understanding that future legislation could further advance these efforts,” he said.

Wolf’s order follows actions by county prisons across the state to release inmates with a low risk to the community and a high risk of COVID-19 complications. A federal judge has cited the same concerns in ordering the release of ICE immigration detainees from the York, Pike and Clinton county prisons.
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