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In what country do people spend the most time online?

Answer: South Africa.

The reflection of a computer screen in a person's eye.
In 2022, the world spent an average of 397 minutes (6 hours and 37 minutes) online each day. The data, gathered by Meltware and We Are Social and presented by Atlas VPN, found that the country that spent the longest online was South Africa, where residents surfed the Internet for an average of 578 minutes (9 hours and 38 minutes) every day. Brazil and the Philippines rounded out the top three with 572 minutes (9 hours and 32 minutes) and 554 minutes (9 hours and 14 minutes), respectively.

The U.S. also came in above average with residents spending 419 minutes (6 hours and 59 minutes) online daily, a tie with Singapore. Countries in East Asia were found to spend the least amount of time online, with Japan clocking only 225 minutes (3 hours and 45 minutes) of usage. Next were Denmark at 298 minutes (4 hours and 58 minutes) and Germany at 312 minutes (5 hours and 12 minutes).

You can view the complete list here.