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Elon Musk wants people to be able to video conference where?

Answer: Their Teslas.

The emblem of a Tesla Model S.
The emblem of a Tesla Model S.
In true Elon Musk style, the Tesla CEO revealed via Twitter that in-car conferencing is “definitely” in the future for Tesla. The tweet came in response to one from Tesla Owners of Silicon Valley, in which the group asked Musk if in-car video conference calls were possible, likely in response to the coronavirus pandemic that has most of us staying connected via video calls.

Although Musk’s tweet didn’t reveal any details, it’s possible that the feature would involve the small interior camera hidden in the rear-view mirror. The camera first appeared with the release of the Model 3 in 2017, and there has been much speculation about its possible uses. According to TechCrunch, when the Model 3 first came out, Musk said the camera was intended for future projects like using the car as a robotaxi or for recording Caroake sessions. It’s possible that video conferencing is included among those future projects.