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Where is Amazon delivering packages via tram?

Answer: Germany.

A cardboard box on its side on a wooden floor with the Amazon logo on the side of the box that is facing up.
Amazon is always trying to find new ways to get people their stuff. The latest? A tram.

The deliveries will be part of a pilot project in Frankfurt, Germany, between the e-commerce giant, the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS) and the city’s main transport company. The packages will be taken from Amazon’s delivery depot to the first tram stop on the edge of the city.

From there, they will ride the tram into the city center and be distributed to cargo bikes for final delivery.

“We hope to be able to establish the concept permanently in Frankfurt in the future and also implement it at other locations in order to significantly reduce road traffic in large cities,” said Kai-Oliver Schocke, university president of Frankfurt UAS.