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Why is Cards Against Humanity suing SpaceX?

Answer: For alleged trespassing and damaging property.

A white building with the SpaceX logo on the side in dark blue.
You probably wouldn’t think that Cards Against Humanity (CAH) and SpaceX have a whole lot in common, and for the most part they don’t. But the two companies do have one thing in common — they both own land in Texas, which is the subject of a new feud between them.

If you’re wondering why a humorous card game company owns land in Texas, the property in question sits along the U.S.-Mexico border. It was purchased as part of a crowdfunding campaign in 2017 to protest then-President Donald Trump’s plan to build a border wall. SpaceX has since bought the land next door as it expands its footprint in Texas and has been encroaching onto CAH’s land, enough that the latter filed a lawsuit.

The filing says that SpaceX has been using the roughly one-acre piece of land as a construction site without CAH’s permission and despite "No Trespassing" signs. They have destroyed its natural state “with gravel, tractors and space garbage,” according to a statement from CAH. At one point SpaceX reportedly offered the company “a 12-hour ultimatum to accept a lowball offer for less than half our land’s value.” CAH said that if it wins the $15 million lawsuit, it will share the proceeds with the 150,000 people who contributed to the crowdfunding campaign to purchase the land in the first place.