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Why would anyone want to track heat waves in real time?

Answer: Not sure, but now you can if you want to.

A family stands in front of a large fan on a hot day.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past month, you probably noticed that the U.S. is experiencing some serious heat waves right now. In fact, it’s gotten so bad that the federal government wants us all to be able to see where all these heat waves are happening in real time. So now we can find out who to commiserate with as we swelter.

The goal of, other than acknowledging our communal suffering, is to help Americans be prepared and beat the heat when it rolls in. The home page of this new website features a large interactive map showing current heat conditions across the country.

It’s also loaded with other features designed to help you live your best life (or at least a moderately more comfortable one) in the heat. There are tools that tell you where the hottest part of a city or region is at any given time of day, and there are plenty of tips on what to do and where to go to stay cool in your area. The site also contains predictions on how these heat trends will progress into the future, just in case you want some enlightening reading material while you’re cooling down.