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Report Reveals Wireless Threats

Ongoing index to track and reveal trends that help enterprises and government organizations protect themselves from emerging wireless threats

Network Chemistry Inc., wireless security experts, announced the Network Chemistry Wireless Threat Index, the first and only ongoing index to track and reveal trends that help enterprises and government organizations protect themselves from emerging wireless threats. The index analyzes over 700,000 network connections across a wide range of devices -- and warns that widespread use of unsecured mobile laptops and devices threatens organizations' networks, data, and users.

The explosion of wireless usage has enabled a new and dangerous vector for access to confidential data, and wireless attacks can damage the integrity of corporate networks and assets. The company established the Network Chemistry Wireless Threat Index to monitor these threats and assess the ongoing risk. Attacks on wireless LANs (WLANs) and breaches of 'no wireless' policies are a quick and easy way for hackers to steal data and enter the corporate network. The wireless network has the same challenges as the fixed, wired network, and organizations must have a pre-emptive plan of action to prevent wireless attacks and policy violations that can compromise their data privacy and regulatory compliance. Security managers need to plan for, monitor, and mitigate potential wireless threats as well as react quickly when any breach occurs.

The data for the analysis used in the Wireless Threat Index was gathered from thousands of laptops running the RFprotect Endpoint product and the vast array of connections they made in offices, on the road, and in homes.

The data highlights the fact that endpoints remain a serious security risk to organizations that have confidential data and need to comply with stringent compliance or regulatory mandates. The reports can help organizations evaluate where they are at greatest risk and help to promote best security practices and prioritize investment in wireless security solutions.