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Chicago Names Tech Insider CIO to Replace Brenna Berman

Mayor Rahm Emanuel's appointment of Danielle DuMerer as the city's permanent CIO was approved by the City Council June 28.

Several months after the departure of former Chicago CIO Brenna Berman, the City Council has backed Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s choice for her replacement in longtime city tech insider Danielle DuMerer. The announcement was made June 28.

DuMerer, who has worked for the city since 2008, according to her LinkedIn account, is no stranger to the city’s innovation and technology department, having served in a number of positions including as the acting CIO in Berman’s absence.

“I am grateful to Mayor Emanuel for this opportunity to lead the department,” DuMerer said in a press release. “I look forward to continuing our efforts to improve how city services are delivered and to foster a more innovative, accessible, and responsive government for all Chicagoans.”

Prior to assuming the interim CIO duties April 1, DuMerer had served as the city’s chief technology officer (CTO) and first deputy commissioner. 

“Brenna’s contributions moved the city forward and established Chicago as a leading Smart City,” Emanuel said in the same release. “I am confident that Danielle will continue Chicago’s leadership in government technology while improving the lives of residents.”

In addition to the CIO and CTO roles, DuMerer has also put in time as the IT director for planning, policy and management, and also served as a city IT project manager.

Emanuel officially requested that the council confirm his selection May 24, but the confirmation vote did not occur until June 28. 

Eyragon Eidam is the managing editor for Industry Insider — California. He previously served as the daily news editor for Government Technology. He lives in Sacramento, Calif.